Web ni seswai digunakan bile kte nk online websites yg kne block oleh server,cm kt uitm block youtube,so through web nih, leh online web2 yg patut dan tak patut??:)name pon tunnel=terowong..cm underground gk laa.aliran bwh tanah.hehe
little bit description:
Vtunnel is here to help you get to the websites you want to go to online. Many organizations these days block access to sites like myspace, gmail, even google search! I find that claiming that filters are there to keep schoolkids learning rather than goofing off, and then going ahead and blocking a primary means of research such as google search, is hypocritical and even dangerous. Thanks to sites like this one however, you can fight back and access the web the way it was meant to be accessed.
go to:http://vtunnel.com/
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